Take the next step to optimize your health!

Telemedicine available for new and existing patients


I am Dr. Jess Hobson, ND and my practice is in Port Moody, Fort Langley & White Rock.

I have a passion for general practice with a special interest in musculoskeletal and interventional pain medicine with training in ultrasound-guided injections.

As your clinician my focus is to educate and empower you to achieve your individual health goals. I believe we can all find our own unique wellness regardless of our diagnoses.

Areas of Practice

Sports Medicine

Musculoskeletal and interventional pain medicine with training in ultrasound-guided injections (PRP, prolotherapy, cortisone, viscosupplementation, neural & perineural), optimizing athletic performance, new or recurrent injury management

Neurological Health

Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson disease, restless legs syndrome, seizures and epilepsy, concussion management, headaches, migraines

Cardiovascular Health

Hypertension, atherosclerosis, dyslipidemias, heart attack and stroke prevention or recovery

Men’s Health

Enlarged prostate, erectile dysfunction, hormones, aging with strength

Get in Touch

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about my practice and services that I offer. You can also book a free 30 minute meet and greet to see how we can reach your heath goals.